Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mortal Grin

A song by the Gothic Rangers (me and Robin)

"Mortal Grin" at Soundcloud

Mortal Grin

The night is speaking in strange tongues,
and the heat hangs like a dead lung.
Surreal thoughts leaking out of my brain,
going up in smoke through this tepid rain.

I wander vague, disconcerting streets,
full of apparitions clothed in meat.
Staring into these confident faces,
I'm stupefied for explanations.

What should I think about this suavity
and body language so cavalier,
when I feel like an underground man
with a Dostoevskian fever?

I hear the murmur of latent cadavers,
waltzing just outside the graveyard fence.
No misstep, no pause in their palaver.
Where can I get one of those big, wide mortal grins?

My thoughts are running like a wild dog,
as I contemplate this complacent throng.
Hey you, yes you, with that bowler on your head,.
what spell are you working on the mighty dread?

I stand perplexed, my mouth is agape,
mystified by reality's shape,
while all around me are gesturing blithely.
They know something I'm un-divining.

Should I purchase some opium,
join this conspiracy crowd?
They say there's strength in numbers, numbers,
but they're dropping like flies while the night's unbowed.

What should I think about this suavity
and body language so cavalier,
when I feel like an underground man
with a Dostoevskian fever?

I hear laughter coming from a midnight ball,
where the smiling masks are made out of skin.
Jesters tumble happily in absurd thrall
to the yawning god of sleep and mortal grins.

I hear the rumble of distant thunder,
that deep and unsettling symbolic din.
I wish I could put this fear asunder.
I want my very own big, wide mortal grin.

Words & Music by Tim Buck, 2008

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