Friday, September 21, 2012

Romney is logically compelled

Apparently, Mitt Romney can only relate to rich people. To those either born into wealth and privilege or to those who have gamed the system.

It makes no logical sense that Romney could have any regard for regular people, for workers.

It makes no logical sense that Romney would have an ounce of empathy or compassion for workers.

It makes logical sense that Romney would view the poor and others of the working class as alien creatures. That Romney would have a kind of paranoiac attitude toward the unwashed masses. Those who, in his mind, exist only as envious, unexceptional, threatening others.

He's simply had no life experience that would provide for the representation of other forms of being and meaning inside his brain.

By the same logical token, the poor and others of the working class can't really understand or empathize with Romney's form of life: "Money here, money there, money everywhere. Oh my god, what am I going do with all of this money? It's a full-time job -- and it's hard -- just thinking about all my money!"

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